This baked french toast casserole with Nutella is a SUPER easy, delicious, and kid-friendly brunch dish. It’s a 5-ingredient make ahead dish that everyone, young and old, will love.

Nutella maaaaaay not be the wholesome health food that the commercials used to tout it as… “Part of a complete breakfast” might be a slight exaggeration.

Still, Nutella has it’s place, and I believe that place is stuffed in a rich, custardy fluffy French toast casserole. Yep, I still love it, and I bet you do too, or you wouldn’t be here!

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The idea for this baked French Toast casserole came to me in a flash of inspiration as I was trying to come up with a brunch dish to please a 6-year-old girl (with whom I don’t have the most awesome track record when it comes to food).

I’m happy to report it was a success.

And it truly does not get much easier than this casserole. You basically spread some Nutella on ordinary white bread slices. Then you roll them up and dip them in a simple custard and place them, enchilada-style, in a baking dish.

Pour the rest of the custard over top, refrigerate so the custard soaks in, and bake. The baking can happen the next morning if you wish, making this the perfect make ahead brunch dish.

8 slices white bread
4 eggs
1 1/4 cups whole milk
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup Nutella
butter for greasing the baking dish
Butter an 11 x 7 inch baking dish. (see note below regarding pan sizes). In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and vanilla until well combined. Set aside.
Spread 2 tablespoons of Nutella on each of 8 slices of bread. Roll each bread slice into a cigar shape with the Nutella filling on the inside.
Dip each bread roll into the egg mixture and place it in the buttered baking dish, seam side down. Continue with the remaining bread rolls, placing them side-by-side in the baking dish, enchilada-style. Pour the remaining custard over the top of the bread.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight, until the custard has been absorbed by the bread.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Transfer to the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes until the top of the casserole is golden brown.
Dust some powdered sugar over the top with a sifter, and drizzle with a little melted Nutella if you wish. Serve with sliced strawberries and maple syrup, if desired.

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