What is pasta?

Pasta consists mainly of dry wheat, and more than 600 types of it are left in the market, rich in sugar, and leave the body with a good percentage of energy.

How to buy pasta

If you are going to buy pasta, it is best to choose pasta that is composed of sugars and proteins, and that paste with eggs is the most suitable for children.

Methods of preserving pasta

All types of pasta have a specific preservation method according to the following:

Dry pasta: It can be kept for 3 years in a dry place.

Pasta with eggs: It can be preserved between 10-20 months.

Pasta: Keep in the fridge for no more than a week.

Health benefits of pasta

An excellent source of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy.
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It contains a high percentage of liquids, which gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer period.
It works by securing serotonin to the brain, feeling full and comfortable.
Pasta damage
It is not the pasta itself that increases the weight, but the reason is due to the sauces that are added to the pasta, so it is possible to dispense with the creamy sauces rich in cream or fatty substances, and eat the pasta with vegetable sauce and fat-free meat.
As for instant noodles, they consist of glutamate derivatives, which cause obesity and kidney disease, and may lead to liver damage and increase stomach ulcers.

Types of pasta

Spaghetti: It is the most famous item in the Arab world, especially in Egypt, and it consists of long and thin fingers. Lasagna: Its origins go back to the Italian cuisine, and it can be served as a main meal along with some types of appetizers.
Cannelloni: It has a cylindrical shape and is stuffed with many different fillings such as minced meat and vegetables.
Butterflies: it is pasta in the form of colored butterflies, which is preferred by the majority of people, and it can be eaten without additives after boiling it along with some types of appetizers, or it can be eaten cooked with spinach or beets.
The shell: It can be prepared with tuna, cheese, or red sauce, and it is considered a light side dish that can be served for dinner.
Ravioli pasta: it is square in shape, it is filled with many different fillings and served with white or red sauce, and it can be served as a main or side dish.
Spiral or cut pasta: can be served with yellow cheese, tuna, or meat; It is a great and light meal that kids love.
Ingredients :

° 3 kg of fresh tomatoes

° 2 large onions

° 10 garlic cloves (minced)

° 2 tablespoons of oregano

° 1 kg of ground pork

° 1 teaspoon of salt (to taste)

Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Let cool, Remove the skin from the tomatoes.
Put the skinless tomatoes in a large pot and mash them with a potato masher or food processor, if you are lucky enough to have some, (I live in Thailand).
Chop the onion and garlic and add the tomatoes.
Brown the ground pork and drain the excess fat, add it to a large pot of sauce.
Add seasoning and bring to a boil.
Reduce the heat and simmer for 8 hours, stirring occasionally (do not cover, you want the product to evaporate).
You can also put in a low heat casserole overnight.

Note: I like meatballs rather than ground pork, but it’s your choice. Can be served over spaghetti pasta or can be used to make delicious meatball sandwiches. Add mozzarella or cheese per mason.
Enjoy it !

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