Snickers Caramel Apple Salad is a great make-ahead recipe for potlucks and block parties and can easily feed a crowd.

Calling it a salad confuses some people in the same way that Watergate Salad does. It’s really a dessert. And it reminds me of the time years ago I took my niece and nephew to Cracker Barrel.

My nephew was only 2 or 3 at the time and I told him he could pick out some candy. “Mommy doesn’t allow us to have candy,” he said. But he was looking around at the assortment of candy with huge eyes. He heard his sister say look at these Peanuts.

They were those marshmallow peanuts that aren’t peanuts at all. But I could tell the wheels started turning in my nephew’s brain when his eyes suddenly doubled in size and a devious grin spread across his face. It occured to him that he could eat this candy and tell his mother he ate peanuts. LOL!

6 regular size Snickers candy bar.
6 apples.
1 (5 oz) Package of vanilla instant pudding dry.
½ cup of milk.
1 (12 oz) tub cool whip.
½ cup of caramel ice cream topping.

Mix the vanilla pudding and milk and let cool. Mix together until well incorporated.
Add the apples and snickers to the pudding mixture after chopping both.
Place in a serving large bowl and drizzle with caramel ice cream topping.
Refrigerate for 1 hour or so before serving.

Easy, peasy and sweet! This is one of my husband’s favorite salads. I’m not going to lie, I usually keep my part of the salad to take it as a dessert! Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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