Banana Bread


  • °2 eggs
  • °250g of flour
  • °1 teaspoon of baking soda (you can buy it here)
  • °115g butter
  • °110g brown sugar
  • °525g very ripe bananas
  • °1/4 tsp salt


* Methods :

  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C (350°F)
  2. Grease a loaf pan
  3. In a large bowl, put the flour, baking soda and salt
  4. In another bowl, beat the brown sugar with the butter
  5. Add eggs and mashed bananas
  6. beat well
  7. Pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture
  8. Mix lightly
  9. Bake 60 to 65 min
  10. Enjoy !

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