Brown Batter Bread

2 tsp granulated sugar
125ml of warm water (1/2 cup)
8g of active dry yeast (1/4 oz packet)
300ml of milk (1 1/4 cups)
60ml of molasses (1/4 cup)
50g of granulated sugar (1/4 cup)
115g of butter (1/2 cup)
2 tsp salt
2 large free range eggs, at room temperature
325g of whole wheat flour (2 1/2 cups)
300g of plain flour (3 cups)
2 tsp softened butter to brush on top of baked bread

Stir the first amount of sugar into the warm water in a small bowl. Sprinkle the yeast over top, and let stand for 10 minutes.  Stir to dissolve the yeast.

Scald the milk in a saucepan.  Remove from the stove and stir in the molasses, sugar, butter and salt.  Allow the butter to melt, then cool the mixture down to lukewarm. (To scald milk place it in a saucepan and heat just until bubbles appear at the edges.)  Stir in the yeast mixture.  Pour into a large bowl and then beat in the eggs.  Gradually beat in both flours.  Cover with a greased piece of cling film and a clean tea towel.  Let stand in a warm place for about 1 1/4 hours until doubled in size.  Stir the batter down and then divide the batter between 2 well greased loaf tins.  cover with the greased cling film and the tea towel again and let rise for 1 hour longer, until doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/gas mark 5.  Bake the loaves for 30 to 35 minutes, or until they sound hollow on the bottom when turned out of the pan.  Turn out onto racks to cool, brushing the warm tops with the second amount of butter.  Once cold, store tightly covered.

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Baking Recipes

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