Chili cheese dog bake recipe

We offer you, in easy, brief steps, how to prepare Corn Dog, to present it to your family at home.


° 1/2 cup fine cornmeal
° 1/2 cup white flour
° 1/2 cup milk
° 1/4 cup sunflower oil
° an egg
° Outstanding great baking powder
° Salt and Pepper
° Smoked beef cubes


Add the milk, then the egg, mix well, then add the sunflower oil.
Season the mixture with salt and pepper, and stir well, then add the flour and baking powder.
Then the dough is stacked in the cup cake mold
And decorate the face with pieces of smoked meat, or hot dogs.
You enter the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Note: You can add olives or cheese advice.


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