Homemade Chicken Tacos

My One Pot Meal Loaded buttered garlic Potatoes, with sautéed onions and peppers Cajun shrimp, Cajun sausage, Bacon bits and Cheese Easy and the most satisfying meal ever. The flavor to this joint will explode in your mouth! Definitely one of my fav little meals!

Here are the ingredients I used , I didn’t take any measurements.

1 lb shrimp ,
Cajun sausage ,
5 cut potatoes,
onions and bell pepper chopped,
green onions ,
slap yo momma,
garlic and onion powder,
cayenne pepper and paprika.
Also use a pinch of sugar when you season your shrimp .


Season your shrimp and potato with the same seasoning except sugar and cayenne pepper for the potatoes.
First cook your bacon and sausage, place to the side.
Next cook your shrimp, then place to the side.
Sauté your veggies then add you potatoes.
Let them cook until they’re brown on each side then add a little bit of water to the pan, turn heat on low and let it simmer for about 15-20 or until tender.
Next add you sausage, shrimp back to the pot.
Add you cheese and sprinkle some green onions and bacon bit over.
Place your lid back on top and let it simmer for 2 minutes or until your cheese melt and there you have it.
I hope this help

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