Lazy Peach Cobbler

– This is a quick and easy cobbler that gets great reviews from family and friends regardless of the fruit used.I don’t understand the bad reviews from most while a very similar recipe in this category got such good reviews,maybe the canned fruit? Just substitue 5 or 6 sliced fresh peaches brought just to a boil with 1 cup of sugar and a asqueeze of fresh lemon juice.
– This is actually a good recipe. Expect more of a cake like topping. I actually prefer it over the tradtional type. I have been using this quick recipe for some time and even like it with caned peaches.– Made this recipe..I think that if U cut the margarine amount to 1/2 cup it turns out good.. I just drained the margarine after pulling it out of oven…and added cinnamon b4 baking.. then topped it with misture of cinnamon and sugar after I pulled it from the oven… ummmm ummmmmm was good… so just modify it and enjoy
– this is a great camp cobbler, i put the dry goods in a bag , line a dutch oven with foil , dump the dry in with the butter, and a little vanilla. put coals on top of the dutch oven, and let it cook till it rises , bubbles, and turns a little brown on top . serve it on vanilla ice cream. we like caned cherry pie filling, or fresh razz-berries reduced with a little sugar. this is an easy camp/cabin cobbler.
1 stick butter or margarine
1 C. milk
1 C. sugar
1 C. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
Dash of salt
1 qt. fruit, sweetened (peaches, cherries, blackberries, etc)
Melt butter in baking pan. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and milk. Pour batter in pan on top of butter; cover with fruit. Do not stir; batter will rise to top as it bakes and absorbs the flavor of the fruit. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream. Enjoy!